About Us
Afioma does not promise you anything, You will find out on your own within a period of 3 consecutive months. The distinction of your appearance epidermis is outstanding.
“Good things take time“
Afioma does not promise you anything, You will find out on your own within a period of 3 consecutive months. The distinction of your appearance epidermis is outstanding.
“Good things take time“
This brand is created by a teenage woman who studied agricultural and fall in love with the Mother Nature and the benefits that come with it, that’s why we are using a natural and organic ingredients which has been approved and certificated by specialists (chasing a sustainability goal)
“from the nature we rised , for the nature we live , to the nature we will return”
True me side : I did create Afioma for knowing my skin and and longing for a lost need, and as a girl I know what the girl need for the mid-week for that faded face glow.
“ whether you like it or not, the girl must have what the girl wants”
Giving you the best experience is what we are aiming for.
This is all what you need
Who makes the impossible possible
Founder & CEO